ColorChecker Support ccPROFILER

Supported instruments: ColorChecker Display PRO, ColorChecker Display PLUS, i1Display PRO, i1Display PRO PLUS

Before proceeding, please re-install the latest version of ccPROFILER software as this may resolve your problem.

Latest software versions can be found here

A helpful guide is available that provides users the ideal calibration settings for most monitors, for more information click here.

FAQ Scenario 1

  • I have installed the software on my new PC/Mac and when trying to calibrate, the software just comes back with ‘Device not found’.

  • The software does not seem to recognise the device when it’s plugged into a USB socket.

  • The calibrator is plugged into a USB socket on my PC but the software says ‘device not found’

Click Here

© Alan Shapiro

FAQ Scenario 2

  • When I open the ccProfiler application and try to profile my display, the software displays an error window with the message ‘Failed to find display…’

Click Here

FAQ Scenario 3

  • Monitor calibration hangs when profiling.

  • Monitor calibration just flashes a black and white screen when running a profile.

  • After the software asks me to place the device on the screen and press next. The screen just flashes when checking for automatic display control, and does not start profiling.

Click Here

© Matt Hill

FAQ Scenario 4

  • I don’t know which ‘Technology Type’ to use for my display; can you advise which one best for my monitor?

Click Here

FAQ Scenario 5

  • After profiling my display, images look great in Photoshop/Lightroom but in Windows Picture viewer or web applications they look oversaturated and dark how do I fix this?

Click Here

© Seth Resnick

If you require further help with this product not listed above, please raise a support case

Raise a Support Case