ColorChecker Video XL with Case


£554.00incl. VAT

£461.67 excl. VAT

Video Color Control from Capture to Edit

ColorChecker Video XL:

  • A large video target (534 x 375mm) featuring superb colour accuracy
  • Ideal for any large venue environment where colour accuracy and camera matching is essential (e.g. Concerts, Theatres, etc.)
  • Featuring four greyscale calibration bars and saturated and unsaturated RGB Primaries
  • Extended skin tone patches for additional colour precision
  • Supported by many key third-party software applications

ColorChecker XL Case:

  • Replaces the X-Rite ColorChecker XL Case (MSCC-XL-CS)
  • A protective carry case for the ColorChecker XL or ColorChecker Video XL
  • Case can be used in a self-standing position or can lie flat
  • Comes with a carry strap making it truly portable
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ColorChecker Video charts make your workflow faster, more consistent and more colour balanced. They allow everyone on your team – from producer to cinematographer to editor to colourist – to work with consistent colour information. They save you time, from pre-production through production, and help you get to your creative look faster.

Achieving the proper colour balance and exposure for video can be challenging. F-stops in cameras don’t always match. Ambient lighting conditions change. Multiple cameras and lenses have different looks, even if they are the same brand and model. All of this adds up to quality control challenges and increased workload in post-production for your colourist or editor. Here’s what ColorChecker Video offers:

Video Colour Target

Speed up your colour grading workflow by achieving ideal exposure and colour balance, whether shooting with one camera or multiples. The colour chart includes a series of chromatic colour chips, skin tone chips, grey chips and illumination check chips. The layout is designed for ideal performance when used with vectorscopes and waveforms, whether on-camera or in software.

Chromatic Colours:  two rows of six chromatic colour chips, both saturated and desaturated, specifically designed to align with the colour axis on a vectorscope. These colours provide two levels of colour information to more quickly achieve an ideal colour balance.

Skin Tones:  ranging from light to dark with subtle undertones to better reproduce accurate flesh tones. This row of chips is positioned on the outer edge of the target for easy alignment.

Large Grey Levels: four larger steps for even grey balance, including white, 40IRE grey, deep grey and high gloss black. These levels are ideal for determining proper exposure whether you use a waveform, zebras, or false colours.  Use these levels to align the exposure and contrast of cameras you are matching and ensure that mid-tones are rendered accurately. These chips are positioned in the centre of the test target for maximum exposure, even on a wide set.

Linear Greyscale: six colour chips for achieving even grey balance. This row addresses highlight and shadow regions.

Illumination Check Chips: black and white chips at two corners to better assist in determining even illumination across the target

3rd Party Software Support

ColorChecker Video is supported by 3rd party software solutions for improved colour grading and efficiencies.

DaVinci Resolve

3DLUT Creator

Technical Specifications

Number of Targets: 1
Number of Colour Patches: 32
Target Size: 534 x 375mm
Humidity Range: 85% or less, non-condensing
Case Size: 565 x 406mm