We spend an inordinate amount of time and money on the capture side and processing side of our craft. Ultimately however, we view the fruit of our work as a print or a slide show or on the web. It is critical to ensure that what I have spent time and money to process looks the same way in print or on the web and there is only one way to guarantee this and that is with Color Management.
Teaching so many people over the years has bought me enormous happiness.
I love Skiing, cooking, and exotic tropical fish and building a swimming pool based on Antarctica.
Try and try again until you know that it feels right inside!
We spend an inordinate amount of time and money on the capture and processing side of our craft. Ultimately, however, we view the fruit of our work as a print or a slide show or on the web. It is critical to ensure that what I have spent time and money on to process, looks the same way in print or on the web and there is only one way to guarantee this and that is with Color Management.
Seth Resnick
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