Brand Ambassador DON KOMARECHKA

Don is a nature, macro and landscape photographer located in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. From auroras to pollen, insects to infrared, much of Don’s photographic adventures reveal a deeper understanding of how the universe works. Exploring the world that we cannot see with our own eyes has been a common thread in Don’s career as a professional photographer. Always science-minded but never formally trained, Don uses photography as a way to explore and understand the world around him. Photographing something unusual or unknown is the perfect excuse to learn something new. Don’s work often pushes up against the technical limitations of modern camera equipment and the physical limitations of light itself.

Why is color management important to your workflow?

Much of my work is scientific, or at least science-inspired. This makes much of the results empowered by accuracy. Color becomes critical in these endeavors, and while there is some level of flexibility in creative vision, you always need to have a “known accurate” starting point.

What would you say is your greatest achievement to this day?

Publishing the book that I am actively shipping to all backers right now a 384pg hardcover tome of knowledge on macro photography to share the inspiration and inquisitiveness I have felt for years. That’s on the professional side. The bigger achievement is my nearly-five-year-old daughter who I am trying to instil the same scientific curiosities in.

What is an interesting fact about yourself?

I love gardening! I love plant biology and biodiversity and culinary oddities such that our gardens are full of weird and wonderful edible fruits that you have never seen before.

What is a top tip for people who aspire to do what you do?

Revel in your mistakes. There is no substitute for this. You need to actively enjoy failure – but don’t call it that if you’re learning something from it. Solving one piece of the puzzle is as valuable, if not more so, than solving the entire puzzle.


Everyone should calibrate their displays. Beginning at an unknown starting point, you have no idea what other people will be seeing. Knowing that your display is calibrated is should always be the first step.

Don Komarechka

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