ColorChecker Classic XL



Photo Color Control from Capture to Edit

  • Replaces the X-Rite ColorChecker Classic XL (MSCCC-XL)
  • A large 24-patch target (534 x 375mm) featuring superb color accuracy
  • Ideal for large spaces and room sets where smaller targets may get lost in the scene
  • Works with the ColorChecker Camera Calibration software to create ACR or ICC profiles

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The ColorChecker target is an array of 24 scientifically formulated colors that has been the leading industry color reference target for more than 40 years. It is designed to deliver true-to-life color reproduction so that photographers and filmmakers can predict and control how color will look under any illumination.

Each of the 24 colors found on a ColorChecker target represents the actual color of natural objects, such as human skin tone, foliage and blue sky, and reflects light just like its real-world counterpart. Since these colors exemplify the color of their counterparts in the natural world and reflect light the same way in all parts of the visible spectrum, the squares will match the colors of representative samples of natural objects under any illumination, and with any color reproduction process. Each solid patch is formulated individually to produce a pure, flat, rich color.

ColorChecker targets have been used by Color perfectionists for the past decade to create custom DNG profiles for Adobe Lightroom® and Photoshop® workflows. You can also build custom ICC camera profiles for use in Capture One® (or other ICC compatible software) when you combine ColorChecker targets with Calibrite ColorChecker Camera Calibration software. You’ll get accurate color at capture based on specific lighting, camera and lens combination during any given shoot, saving valuable time in edit.

Taking advantage of a ColorChecker target is easy. Simply include the ColorChecker in your photo or video capture and then later, while editing use it to compare, measure and analyze differences in color reproduction in any color rendition system.

The ColorChecker can help you make global corrections based on accurate information. If you shoot a large number of images that all require the same color correction, you know that editing a few key photos and applying your changes can sometimes change colors you didn’t intend to be changed. A shot of the ColorChecker captured under the same lighting as your images will provide a point of reference, so you can see exactly how changes will affect the rest of your colors before you apply them.

This objective standard will help you avoid costly mistakes and trial-and-error color adjustments while editing your images or color grading.

3rd Party Software Support:

Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom via a free plugin

Color Finale

Black Magic DaVinci Resolve for color grading in a video editing workflow

Hasselblad Phocus for ICC camera profiling

3DLUT Creator

DxO Photolab 4

© Seth Resnick

Want to know why you need to color manage all the devices in your workflow? Think about walking into an appliance store to shop for TVs. You see a wall of them and the color and detail is different on every one of them? Now imagine you have to edit across them.

Alan Shapiro

Colour management is critical to my creative process. Remove the guesswork from how people will perceive your art and focus on what really matters.

Don Komarechka

Even though a lot of us are viewing images on uncalibrated mobile phones and tablets, if you are taking the time to work up your raw images having a calibrated and profiled monitor will make sure that your color is accurate regardless of how the images are being viewed.

Michael Clark

We spend an inordinate amount of time and money on the capture and processing side of our craft. Ultimately, however, we view the fruit of our work as a print or a slide show or on the web. It is critical to ensure that what I have spent time and money on to process, looks the same way in print or on the web and there is only one way to guarantee this and that is with Color Management.

Seth Resnick

Technical Specifications

Number of Targets: 1
Number of Color Patches: 24
Target Size: 534 x 375mm
Humidity Range: 85% or less, non-condensing