ColorChecker Camera Calibration Lightroom Plugin missing

Products affected:

In response to the following questions:


A – Macintosh Computers (scroll down document for Windows PC instructions).

Lightroom Plug in Not Available on Macintosh Computer.

Sometimes when installed the ColorChecker plugin is not linked correctly within the Lightroom plugin system. If you have installed the plug-in on your Mac and the plug-in is not available please follow the instructions below.

To set up the plugin manually try the following.

  1. Open Lightroom and click File > Plug-in Manager
  2. This will show you all the plug-ins on your system.
  3. If the ColorChecker Passport is listed select it and make sure it is enabled. If the plug-in is disabled enable it and restart Lightroom. This then should work OK.
  4. If the plugin is not listed you will have to install it manually.
  5. Click File > Plugin Manager and click the ‘Add’ button.

In the pop up window browse to:

Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Adobe > Lightroom > Modules

  1. In the Modules folder you should see the “XRiteColorCheckerCameraCalibration.lrplugin” plugin click on it and then click “Add Plug-in”
  2. Restart Lightroom and it should now run correctly.

B – Windows Computers

Lightroom Plug-in Not Available on Windows PC

Sometimes when installed the ColorChecker plugin is not linked correctly within the Lightroom plugin system. If you have installed the plug-in on your Windows PC and the plug-in is not available please follow the instructions below.

To set up the plugin manually try the following.

  1. Open Lightroom and click File > Plugin Manager.
  2. This will show you all the plug-ins on your system.
  3. If the ColorChecker Passport is listed select it and make sure it is enabled. If it is disabled, enable it and restart Lightroom. This then should work OK.
  4. If the plugin is not listed you will have to install it manually.
  5. Click File. Plug-in manager and click Add.

In the pop up window browse to:

C/users/your username/Appdata/Roaming/Adobe/Lightroom/Modules

  1. In here you should see the ColorChecker Passport plug-in on it and then click “Add Plug-in”.
  2. Restart Lightroom and it should now run correctly.

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