Brand Ambassador JOAN BOIRA

Joan is a photographer and photography teacher, specializing in portraiture and product photography since 1993. He has worked for Hospital de Bellvitge, Diputación de Barcelona, Renfe, Winterthur, Unilever (Agrigel), Fresenius Kabi, Saeco, Caixa Girona, Gablons (Victorio & Lucchino, Isabel de Pedro, etc), Editorial Planeta, Lonely Planet, Caviaroli, Discover Catalunya, Ormograf, SBO, Wagon Lits, Märklin, Trix, etc. And he often works with brands such as Hasselblad, Profoto, BenQ, Efi, X-Rite, GretagMacbeth, Olympus, Barco, Phase One, Nikon, Kodak, Phase One, etc. in which he participates as a trainer. Joan has an online school,, where he offers courses on photography, retouching, lighting, product photography, color management (with one of the most complete online courses on this subject for photographers), photographic business and much more… What’s more, he has worked on face-to-face courses for Foto K, Fotocasión, Casanova Photography, Arpi (professional photography stores) and the Emav school as a color management teacher for teachers.

Why is color management important to your workflow?

If we take a photograph with the appropriate means and techniques to obtain a satisfactory result, we adjust and retouch it to bring it to the best version of itself and when we save the photo, we get a file that does not look like what we have been working on, the result is very unsatisfactory.

What would you say is your greatest achievement to this day?

To photograph and to teach photography or improve photographic technique in an easy-to-understand way (including color management).

What is an interesting fact about yourself?

I consider myself a person in constant learning, with great empathy.

What is a top tip for people who aspire to do what you do?

Try to train constantly, observing current trends and taking them to our terrain and personal tastes.


Pour créer librement, il faut voir avec précision. Le matériel, la technique et nos goûts sont à la base de nos photos et vidéos, mais ils ne seront pas d’une grande utilité si le support que nous utilisons déforme l’apparence de nos images. J’ai toujours fait confiance à X-Rite pour apporter des solutions de reproduction précise des couleurs, maintenant Calibrite est la nouvelle référence pour apporter « lumière et couleur » aux photographes et cinéastes.

Joan Boira

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