ColorChecker Gray Balance Mini


63.46 €incl. VAT

53.33 € excl. VAT

Exposure 18% Gray Balance for Photo and Video from Capture to Edit

  • Replaces the X-Rite ColorChecker 18% Gray Balance (421869)
  • A portable A7-sized grey balance (18%) target
  • Ideal for setting correct exposure for all types of users
  • Unsure which Chart is suitable for you? Click here for a helpful comparison chart
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The perceived colour of white changes based on ambient conditions—outdoor it is perceived to be cooler, indoor, warmer, and under fluorescent light, greener. ColorChecker Gray Balance gives you the power to adjust your digital camera’s colour sensitivity to exactly match the ambient lighting conditions; in effect, changing what that the camera “sees.” Even in a controlled studio environment, establishing an accurate custom grey balance ensures an accurate image from the start of each new photo session.

© Alan Shapiro

Technical Specifications

Number of Targets: 1
Number of Colour Patches: 1
Target Size: 63.5 x 109.0mm
Humidity Range: 85% or less, non-condensing