In response to the following range of questions:
This situation can be caused by accidentally clicking the button on the side of the ColorChecker Studio when rotating the dial back to the read position.
If the software freezes, unplug the device from the USB cable, wait a few seconds, and reconnect.
The software will then reconnect with the device and prompt to calibrate. Rotate the dial to the calibration position and press the button on the side or click the screen button. Once the device is calibrated, carefully rotate the dial back to the bottom read position, ensuring that you do not press the button while moving the dial.
On rare occasions, when rotating the dial on the ColorChecker Studio, the position on the screen icon does not correspond with the position on the device. If this happens, restart the software and try again. If the problem persists, try uninstalling and reinstalling the software. If this still does not help, it is probably a hardware fault, and in this case, please contact us.
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